Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Oh, Sweet Justice.

The end of the semester has come. FINALLY! I have been waiting and waiting for Teacher Evaluations. There is one primary reason for this... Professor Wahlquist. (Even her name drips with malice). At the end of the short evaluation, it asks for any suggestions for the instructor. Here is my suggestion:
"This course is a beginning course. I did not know more than half of the authors and poets at the beginning of the class. I took this class to learn about these authors from a professor. Due to the "organization" of the class, Mrs. Wahlquist barely spoke at all. Each student had the unfortunate opportunity to lecture the class. I paid tutition to hear from a trained professor, not a learning student.
Class participation was not highly praised because most students prefer to just lecture. On the few occasions that Professor Wahlquist did teach, she lectured and lectured. I highly suggest having a discussion on the actual writings and not on Native American culture.
The requirements for this class are too high. As a full time student, involved in extra curricular activities and working, it was impossible to please Mrs. Wahlquist and focus only on her class. I would highly recommend evaluating and reorganizing the entire class structure."
I had to stop there because of word count, but I could have kept going... Can I just tell you how great it feels??

1 comment:

frizzles16 said...

BAH!!! I love that feeling!!! So great!